Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

From Franca

The following was submitted via the content submission form, (link is at the top).

i am a mother of 7 grandmother of 6,,,lived in georgia from the age of 21,,always worked, always maintained,,i always provded for my kids and myself,,in dec 2010,my family became divided because of the false allegations of abuse and medical neglect,,,i have a TPR hearing sept 13,2012,my now 12 year old son was taken from me dec 10,2010,because i didnt follow reommendations for residental at a mental hospital,,on dec 6 ,,4 days prior i received a letter in the mail from MAGELLAN SERICES STATING MY SON ISNT ELIGIABLE FOR RESIDENTAL SERVICES,,MY SON IS 12 YEARS OLD HOW IN THE HELL CAN SOME ONE GIVE A CHILD 300 MG OF SERIQUIL,,250X2 A DAY DEPAKOATE,AND 50 MG OF  A SLEEPING PILL AND TELLING ME I MEDICALLY NEGLECT HIM,,,I HAVE NO PRIOR RECORD OF ARREST EVER FOR ABUSE OR NEGLECT,NEVR BEEN IN JAIL FOR ABUSE OR NEGLECT,,DONT EVEN HAVE A POLICE REPORT AGAINST ME OF THESE ACCUSATIONS,,IN JUNE OF 2011 MY OTHER 3 YOUNGER CHILDREN WERE REMOVED SUPPOSEDLY BECAUSE I DIDNT COMPLY WITH A CASE PLAN,,,WOW AMAZING ,,DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANYONE WHO CAN HELP MY FAMILY IN THE STATE OF GOERGIA


  1. Have you tried ? There is some good info there!

  2. Hello Franca,
    I am so sorry to hear that you too are a victim of this evil portraying itself as a protector of children.
    I have collected information and helpful sites for people in the US here...

    I hope you can find something of value here, never give up and scream as loud as you can. Put your story up on as many websites as possible.
    The more of us who speak out and expose them the sooner accountability will be forced upon these low life child abusers.


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